Our Mission

This year our “Love in Deed” Africa mission will be to return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and serve with Calvary Chapel of Baraka, the church plant we have been working with for 8 years. For the last 2 years we served in Burundi because the door closed for the DRC but we are praying for the Lord to allow us to return and continue the work in the Congo. When we were there in 2015 we saw hundreds come to faith in Christ and as a result of that trip, a new church plant has started in the mining community of Mukela. Lord willing, together with the Congolese church we will be ministering to Baraka, Mukela and several other communities through Evangelistic Outreaches, Discipleship Training Classes, a Women’s Conference, VBS for the children, and 2 Sunday Services in addition to building a more permanent church in Mukela. As a part of these ministry opportunities we hope to be able to again take hundreds of much needed Swahili Bibles. As the Lord leads PLEASE JOIN OUR TEAM through committing to pray for us as we prepare and as we go out and consider sponsoring BIBLE DISTRIBUTION, or the construction work on the new church in Mukela.