Worship, Fellowship, and Teaching

Sunday church went well with a great time of worship, fellowship, and teaching for about 200 at Calvary Chapel Baraka.  Final outreach was in Baraka and it was an awesome finish with another 48 making commitments of their lives to Christ, have their sins forgiven, and be followers of Jesus! On tomorrow to Burundi, Tuesday to Kenya.  Everyone is doing well.  We need continued prayer for health and protection.

Storms and Blessings

Saturday started with a storm and a Congolese downpour of rain.  As the California team were taking pictures and video of the novelty of heavy African rain, a motorcycle broke down in front of the hotel with a passenger carrying a casket.  Couldn't get it started so the driver went on down the dirt road pushing it in the rain - another death.  The rest of the day was at the wonderful celebration of a Congolese wedding.  I had the blessing of doing the message and vows!  There was a lot of singing and dancing - makes our weddings seem boring!

VBS and Children

Friday was VBS with over 80 secondary school kids (up to High School age kids) at Calvary Chapel Baraka.  Pastor is doing the school for kids whose parents can't afford public school with his own support.  Presently about 250 who all need sponsorship of $20 per month which would help a whole family!  On the way to the church we passed a grieving mother walking the dirt road alone coming from the hospital carrying her dead child.  Child mortality is high here.  You could help save a life!  Please Pray!

Keep Praying!

Tuesday morning the guys did another 4 hour discipleship in the stick walled and grass roof shelter of Calvary Chapel Katanga while the ladies visited some homes in the community.  The afternoon took us further south to Sebele for an outreach.  In the end 52 more came forward to have their sins forgiven and be followers of Jesus Christ!  Some minor health issues here and there.  Keep praying!


Women's Conference and Baraka

  • June 16th, 2018 - Ladies did an all day Women's Conference with 150 women and 15 gave their lives to Christ!  Guys cleared church property with machetes and sticks.  Footings for new church got dug and the church blessed us with goat, chickens, eggs and plantains as gifts.  Military commanders asked for bibles and want to come for church.  Pray for the team.


  • June 17th, 2018 - WE MADE IT SAFELY BACK TO BARAKA on the radical road from Mukela.  Church service this morning had about 150.  After the word about 30 came forward for rededication and prayer.  In the afternoon VBS got crazy with approximately 400 kids - they were only prepared for 100!  All is going well.  Discipleship and Outreach tomorrow.

Couple Days - Updates

  • June 14th Update - Took 3 days to reach DRC due to airline.  Arrived after long rough ride.  Common problems due to TMobile locking my phone.  1st Outreach 32 people got saved - all worth it!  Will be at Mukela Friday - Sunday.  Difficult days ahead - please pray.


  • June 15th Update - Part of the road to Mukela was pretty radical FWD.  Arrived and set up our camp at a rough hotel with big cockroaches.  Outreach had 400-500 and 62 came forward to receive Christ!  Rough conditions.

Africa Update

All Visas have been approved! We are going to the DRC in just 10 days.  Prayer priorities right now are:

  1. That we get our itinerary for ministry worked out and confirmed (I am working back and forth with pastor Asukulu).
  2. For wisdom and provision in working out the details of purchasing bibles for the DRC.  (Working on that with Jean Piere in Burundi).  They come from another country and getting the funds there to purchase and arranging for transport is complicated.  (We are still accepting donations for bibles – our goal is 500)
  3. Pray for myself and the rest of the team as we are still working on ministry preparation stuff.
  5. Pray for the edification of the saints that we encounter and work with in the Congo.  That they will be encouraged to keep pressing on for the Lord and continue reaching their countrymen with the gospel.
  6. Pray that our team would be knit together as one in Christ and that we would fully lay aside ourselves to serve others and the Lord.  That fears would be removed and replaced with confidence in the Lord.   For the Lord’s protection and help with personal preparation in our homes and families.

Africa Update

Just wanted to let you all know that our Visa applications with our passports and all the required stuff are at the DRC embassy in Washington D.C.  They arrived Monday so please pray that this year we get our Visas for the Congo approved.    The Lord has used us in Burundi the last 2 years but I really want to get back to coming alongside the Congolese church plants and continuing to reach the eastern side of that country.  Also pray for our team of 10 as we prepare children’s ministry, women’s ministry, discipleship and evangelism plans and materials.   Also pray for pastor Asukulu and myself as we prepare our itinerary for how the time in country can be best used for the Kingdom of God and His glory.


Our Mission

This year our “Love in Deed” Africa mission will be to return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and serve with Calvary Chapel of Baraka, the church plant we have been working with for 8 years. For the last 2 years we served in Burundi because the door closed for the DRC but we are praying for the Lord to allow us to return and continue the work in the Congo. When we were there in 2015 we saw hundreds come to faith in Christ and as a result of that trip, a new church plant has started in the mining community of Mukela. Lord willing, together with the Congolese church we will be ministering to Baraka, Mukela and several other communities through Evangelistic Outreaches, Discipleship Training Classes, a Women’s Conference, VBS for the children, and 2 Sunday Services in addition to building a more permanent church in Mukela. As a part of these ministry opportunities we hope to be able to again take hundreds of much needed Swahili Bibles. As the Lord leads PLEASE JOIN OUR TEAM through committing to pray for us as we prepare and as we go out and consider sponsoring BIBLE DISTRIBUTION, or the construction work on the new church in Mukela.