2015 Mission Trip Summary

"...I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent" Luke 4:43.

We do thank always our heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus Christ for the fellowship with us in witnessing and proclaiming the name of our Lord and Savior in Fizi/DRC.

We did 8 outreaches in different places:
- Baraka has 3 areas: South Kalinga, Matata and Mwemezi.
- Misisi: East and West.
- Mukela: East and West.
- Lweba.
In general, God did a great job that is beyond of our expectation drawing people to Himself through His Holy Spirit, convicted sins and talking to them whom 818 people came to Jesus. Everywhere we passed by, people knew that the men and women of God are in God's business. In travelling, many of police men and other traffic agents were begging to get Bibles and these were like a license allowing us to get free way to pass, not like a bribe but a way of making ourselves be known what we are doing and who we are.
Many times, breaking down of our vehicles was a great problem to not set well our times as it was expectated. Passing in rocky and dirty way caused vehicle's tires punching. Being stoped many times because of vehicle insurance lacks but in every step, God was on our side and we were allowed to pass. In Mukela, no guest house, beds, mosquito nets, these allowed us to parchase matresses and covers responding to the status of the area. Getting a Bible was like dream and a special opportunity and chance to people.
Please, the detail of people coming to Christ is related as following:
- South Kalinga: 65
- Matata: 13
- Misisi: (East) 72 (West) 380
- Lweba: 90
- Mukela: (East) 39 (West) 74
- Mwemezi: 85
TOTAL: 818.

The conference has done in a half-day, gathering 83 women among them 66 were from CCB and 17 from other different churches. The teachings were a blessings to the women and finally asking for the days additional next year that they may benefit more from the gifted teacher-women.

Gathered 67 people among them were youth, women and men willing to be a part of kids' ministry, involving in teaching and taking care of them while being in service. All of them were from our church.

While team was in Baraka, one of our sister whom we were meeting with in our church named MAHANGO MMANGA passed away. She left a son named ASA of 7 years old. Pastor Brian shared the Word and Pastor Ibrahim was translating. After service, one of the hearer surrendered his life to Jesus. Please, we shall pray for the  family comfort and for the son left: good health, education and God's Word growth.

We do thank always for the hearts of like-minded people to be a part of what is done in Baraka/DRC. Right now, the wall is already finished. The next will be: floor paving, roofing and fixing doors and windows.

We thank so much for handing out Fizi community the Bibles and CCB's members. Tomorrow in church service we shall give out the Bible to everyone of our church members. Those who had already got are very joyful and thanksful.

The team, with Light Of the World did a great job to share gospel through dramas. People were much excited and convinced their sins and making decisions to follow Jesus Christ that the chains of their sins slavery be broken. Thank you Lord for the gifted men for the vision accomplished.

Really blessed, to get a keyboard, amplifier set, microphones, new generator which were so helpful in outreach's movie's ministries and will be so helpful in our main church service. Joined with Jesse, the praise and worship team enjoyed so much to learn an English song: "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord" so wonderful.

Many people are uninformed about the creation and Creator. But through movie called "Tumaini" they had been built a faith and knowing that God is the Creator of everything. Even that, through "Passion of Jesus Christ" people understand how Jesus Christ suffered for the sin of the world.

- May God open doors to get gifted men and women for helping to discipling and strenghtening who believe.
- Addition of Bibles distribution in Fizi and other places within DRC.
- May God open doors that the name of Jesus Christ should be preached in various and different corner of Fizi and other areas in DRC.
- May God enable us to get tools for recording and radio broadcasing.
        (This note added by Pastor Brian: The cost for radio broadcast in Baraka is $30 per hr. We could sponsor getting the word out daily but there is the need for the recording equipment as well air time)
- May God entrust me wisdom, knowledge and discernment of leadership over His flock, and protection to family sicknesses.


Asukulu Ibrahim Celestin