Calvary Chapel Totolan Bohol

FIRST SUNDAY SERVICE AS "CALVARY CHAPEL TOTOLAN BOHOL" (Philippines). Used a borrowed facility for today and about 25 adults were in attendence. Provided lunch fellowship afterward. A great finish was enhanced by the blessing of the land owner agreeing today to our (slightly modified) "lease to own" agreement. Next month they can begin to build a temporary building!

Fellowship with the Kids

TODAY WE SPENT OUR TIME WITH 165 KIDS, doing a Bible lesson, crafts, songs and a hearty meal! Sent them home with juice and candy! Every time I go to an impoverished country it's a special blessing to have a team minister to the kids and be a part of that. "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world!"

STILL IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR CHURCH PROPERTY. Owner agreed to rent to us till the Lord provides to purchase. Working on the details. (You gotta see these Kids!)


We finished the house church at Arnolds. The Badjao community is a unique culture that needs something permanent to come to church. Still working on land negotians. It will help him get established as a pastor and accepted when they have a more visible church. Only about 50 came to the outreach. We took a chance and used the basketball court out by the road for lighting and power (too far). A few came to Christ and the Lord would do it all for just 1! Progress is being made.

Praying and Working

Sent official proposal / contract to the possible church location land owner today, PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY!

Continued work on Pastor Arnold's home church room. Ladies went to a Women's Bible Study today.

Yesterday had about 70 for movie and today about 100. Tomorrow is outreach with band. PLEASE PRAY THAT MANY COME TO THE LORD!

Work and Fellowship

The girls spent the day in fellowship with pastor Arnolds Badjao wife who is learning english while Rigo and I worked on improvements to their house with Pastor Emil from Tacloban

Sunday Celebration

Sunday celebration with church family! A special day with the dedication of pastor Emil's daughter. Extra friends and family were there.

Giving it out for Jesus

A Day of Children's Ministry, Womens Ministry and hanging out with a few of the guys. Blessed to see the team giving it out for Jesus!

Great Teamwork

Great day of team work inviting people out and prepping for an outreach. About 200 came and 40 came to Christ!