LAST DAY OF OUTREACH required four wheeling to reach the mountain community of Nyamaboko.  Additional mountain trails took us up to the beautiful location of CC Nyamaboko.  Afterward we did our final evangelistic event in the village with the team giving all there enthusiastic effort and passion for the lost.  The result was we got to see ANOTHER 46 PERSONS choose to not just be religious but commit their lives to a relationship with Christ through faith in the cross! 
PRAISE THE LORD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE AND ALLOWING US TO BE A PART OF IT!  Thank you for being a part it through prayer!  A day and a half of fellowship with believers and we will be headed home.


AMAZING GRACE AND DIVINE PROVIDENCE is what I think about for today.  We were originally planning an overnight trip to a new area called Cibitoke but the area officials denied the permits so today we went to join CC Magara in ministering to their community.   We had permission to use a dirt soccer field but there was a game scheduled for an hour after we started.  The result was our biggest crowd yet with over 700 people at our outreach!  That was exciting but even better was when the gospel was shared so many people raised their hands to become followers of Christ that we couldn't count and couldn't have them come forward - probably 200 people!  Just had them confess their faith and pray for forgiveness right where they were at!  AMAZING GRACE!  It was an awesome sight!


Saturday Women's conference went well with about 280 women and 1 got saved!  Men's Leaders Conference was about 30 church leaders.

Sunday Church this morn was a blessing at CC Bujumbura followed by a visit to Placide's home again.  I was given mis-information.  His jaw was not broken but they needed to do some additional work inside his mouth.  Prayers are working as he seems to be doing better.  

Finished the day with another Tanganika sunset.

Schedule has changed for next 2 days.   Outreaches with 2 additional churches not yet visited.


WAITING WITH ANTICIPATION is how the day went.  We were anxious to find out why the Lord had us return from Kizuku.  It gave time to prepare for the womens and leaders conferences tomorrow (pray for us) but also gave opportunity for another late afternoon outreach at Ruziba AND ANOTHER 45 CAME FORWARD TO GIVE THEIR LIVES TO CHRIST!  18 were teens or adults and the rest were kids who clearly understood the message!  DR Congo situation is getting worse and we found out pastor Placide has a broken jaw and they wired it shut.  That occored after the last Ruziba outreach!  Keep praying!

Morning Delays

THE LORD WOULD LEAVE 99 TO GO AFTER 1 LOST SHEEP.  (This is the thought for the day).

Morning dalays to get the repaired sound system, a 3 hr drive to CC Kizuka, finding all the hotels booked, the local authorities would not allow a public outreach due to security reasons so we did it at the church, the generator did not work AND STILL 4 PERSONS GOT SAVED!  Then we drove back to Bujumbura.  Topping it off I just heard from Pastor Asukuku that there is fighting going on in eastern Congo between Mai-Mai and government soldiers.  Pray for CC Baraka, many are in fear.


After hours of delay trying to get 4WD vehicles to get us up the mountain road, we arrived at CC Gisovu to find the church full of kids waiting for us.  We did a 3 hr VBS and were blessed by the response but the biggest blessing was being able to feed 380 kids when we expected 200!  The pastor (Peter) has malaria and was there the whole time!

Change of Plans

Todays plans changed due to the accident last night.  Visited the injured brothers to encourage and pray for them.  All will recover but the loss of work is costly.  Pastor Placide is hurting bad but was up to greet us.  The tricycle that crashed he just purchased yesterday! The church will need new sound equipment and instruments. 

This afternoon we did a 4 part discipleship training for over 200 in the area of yesterdays outreach.  Another possible church plant.   Tomorrow is VBS for 200 more kids!


Visited another area of future church plant called Ruziba going door to door in the morning meeting people, praying for them and inviting to an afternoon outreach.  The prayer needs are tremendous!
Many came out for the outreach and there was a great response to the gospel with another 40 + making the decision to give their lives to Christ and many others are asking for discipleship and Bibles!

 Afterward, pastor Placid and 3 others from the worship team were transporting the sound equipment and were in a vehicle accident and badly injured and the sound equipment damaged.  


Pastor Placid is the one seen playing the keyboard.  Also the drummer was hurt bad.

CC Nyaruhongoka

Sunday service was at CC Nyaruhongoka located south of Bujumbura about an hour.  Beautiful drive along lake Tanganika.  Last year there was a terrible flood here that wiped out many homes and a few lives were lost so some have moved away.  The team was blessed to do Sunday school and afterward I had the privilege to share the word with the entire church.  We had lunch of giat kabobs and french fries; then did an outreach by the church.  As a result, 16 persons made commitments to follow Christ!

VBS and Bubaji

Friday started with a VBS for about 400 kids at CC Turangure.  Twice what we planned for but the team worked it out.  We were also able to provide a meal for the kids and somehow they managed to feed 400!  
Afterward we went to a new area called Bubaji and literally set up in the middle of a dirt road on the side of a mountain.  Once the generator fired up and the church band began to play,  over 100 people showed up and by the end of the evangelism 13 had given their lives to Christ a 4 are men!  This is the prayerful beginning of a new church since there is none in that area.  Pray for them.

Another Good Day

Friday was another good day!  Visited CC Gitongo.  It is the church that last year we sponsored and helped work on major repairs to it's walls.  After worship, fellowship and lunch we did another outreach in a nearby village with the church worship team.  As a result another 50 gave their lives to Christ and about half were kids!  

Tomorrow (Sat) we will be doing VBS at Turangure and then in the late afternoon an outreach in a new place called Matara.  This is the possible location of a new church plant!


Went in 3 groups today visiting and praying for people and inviting to the afternoon outreach.  It seems many are sick with Malaria and some very serious.  Pray for healing.  We provided for medical treatment for some.

The outreach went well as the team shared testimony, dramas and then shared the gospel.  63 more people came to faith in Christ!  We are only on the 2nd day and have seen around 90 get saved!

About Our Trip

This year our “Love in Deed” Africa mission will be to return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and serve with Calvary Chapel of Baraka, the church plant we have been working with for 7 years.  

Last year we served in Burundi because the door closed for the DRC but we are praying for the Lord to allow us to return and continue the work in the DRC.  When we were there in 2015 we saw hundreds come to faith in Christ and gave away 800 Swahili Bibles!  As a result of that trip a new church plant has started in the mining community of Mukela.  Lord willing, together with the church in Baraka we will be ministering to Baraka, Mukela and several other towns with Evangelistic Outreaches,  Discipleship Training Classes, a Women’s Conference, VBS for the children, a Pastors & Leaders Conference and 2 Sunday Services.  As a part of these ministry opportunities we hope to be able to again take hundreds of much needed Swahili Bibles.  As the Lord leads PLEASE JOIN OUR TEAM through committing to pray for us as we prepare and as we go out and consider sponsoring BIBLE DISTRIBUTION, other outreach supplies or the work on the new church in Mukela.  

You can follow this mission here or go to our home page and sign up for updates.